Active Recovery

Recovery is paramount to attaining peak performance and minimizing the chances of overtraining. For athletes who carry out repeated bouts of high intensity workouts, the ability to recover between the repetitions and the days between these sessions can improve performance. Being able to recover quickly allows the athlete to apply more stress during training and to do so more frequently during the...Read more

The view is better at the top of the hill

Walter Payton , nicknamed Sweetness, was one of the greatest running backs to ever play the game of football. During his off-season conditioning he used to run up a hill simply dubbed “The Hill.” The Hill was about 50 to 60 yards with a very steep incline described by Walter as “a goal setter or a will maker”. During his 13-year National Football League (NFL) career, he was a two time MVP and a...Read more

Lactic Acid De-mystified

As an athlete you probably associate lactic acid with that burning sensation you get in your muscles when you push your body to it's limits. This is a common misconception , in fact, lactic acid does not even exist in the body. What your body does produce naturally is lactate and it is considered a main energy source for hard working athletes. Lactate production in the muscles accumulates rapidly...Read more