Are compression garments effective for exercise recovery?

The use of compression garments has become increasingly popular in recent years, mostly in a post-exercise role where compression tights, arm sleeves, socks and boots are used as a means to speed up recovery. Types of compression garments vary where they can be worn via the upper, lower or full-body and are generally made from nylon or spandex. Originally used in the medical profession,...Read more

Is massage effective for exercise recovery?

For most coaches, trainers, and athletes, massage is an integral part of a training and competition program. Sports massage can be used to improve athletic performance , speed recovery , and can be used by all individuals, professional or recreational athletes, to help improve conditioning and maintain peak performance. What is sport massage? Sports massage is the assessment and hands-on...Read more

Response and adaptation to training and exercise

When getting back to the grind after a good break from a long season, or when at the beginning of a new training or exercise routine, the body usually feels sore. For seasoned veterans, early season training feels very challenging; lets face it, getting back into shape can feel like a daunting task. For those trying a new training regime or a new sport, the new movements will leave you a little...Read more

Ajustements et adaptations à l’exercice et à l’entraînement

Il est fréquent de ressentir de la douleur lorsqu’on revient à l’entraînement après un long congé bien mérité ou lorsqu’on commence un nouveau programme d’entraînement ou une nouvelle série d’exercices. Le début de la saison représente tout un défi pour les vétérans, car il faut bien le dire, se remettre en forme s’avère une tâche ardue. Les personnes qui commencent un nouveau programme d’...Read more

Icy Recovery

Cold therapy is a technique that is very popular in multiple sports and disciplines with many high-performance athletes claiming it as an essential part of their training. Cold water immersion is used as recovery method where exposure to cold is believed to help alleviate the soreness of small tears that occur in muscles fibres followed by intense or repetitive exercise (DOMS) . Ice baths are...Read more

Ginger: Beat the Pain and Spice up your Workout

Many natural products and herbs are used to treat and prevent health issues. And on the sports front they are sometimes used to naturally aid in performance. Ginger is one of the 10 most popular natural products used as an alternative therapy for a medical problem (Black & O’Connor, 2010) (Article can be ordered from SIRC ). It has been used to treat ailments such as asthma, diabetes, nausea...Read more