Avoiding painful side stitches

Side stitches or exercise-related transient abdominal pain (ETAP) is not well studied, but it is thought to be caused by a lack of blood flow to the diaphragm which causes pain in the side or shoulder area. While side stitches occur more frequently in people who are out of shape, most of us have experienced pain in our sides at one point or another. One study found that although many people...Read more

It's all in the wrist!

It all starts with complaints of an aching wrist, hand or forearm. Then there is a feeling that the hand is going to sleep, or there is constant pain in the palm. This could all be as a result of pressure on the nerve that innervates the hands and fingers. The anatomical compartment where the tendons, nerves and arteries go through the wrist to reach the hand is called the carpal tunnel. From...Read more

Ginger: Beat the Pain and Spice up your Workout

Many natural products and herbs are used to treat and prevent health issues. And on the sports front they are sometimes used to naturally aid in performance. Ginger is one of the 10 most popular natural products used as an alternative therapy for a medical problem (Black & O’Connor, 2010) (Article can be ordered from SIRC ). It has been used to treat ailments such as asthma, diabetes, nausea...Read more