Cycling basics for rookies

With the Tour de France starting up this weekend, many fans will be tuning in to watch these high performance athletes fight their way to the finish line in this notoriously grueling event. Over the coming month you will be sure to see some great moments of success and resilience as well as some spectacular crashes. If watching makes you suddenly inspired to dust off your bike and ride about town...Read more

What is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

Patellofemoral pain is a common complaint and is one of the most prevalent knee disorders. Essentially it means at athlete has pain around and under the patella, or knee cap. Almost anyone can get it, but it particularly affects runners, cyclists and hikers as well as office workers that end up sitting for long periods of time. Another name for this condition is movie-goers knee because of the...Read more

Polarized training approach

During the Sochi Olympic Winter games in the Adler speed skating arena, the Dutch speed skating team showed total dominance as they hauled in 24 medals out of a possible 36. In fact, the Netherlands’ total medals came from speed skating only. A recent study on the Dutch speed skating team concluded that in the last 38 years, the Olympic team has shifted its training approach towards polarized...Read more

Response and adaptation to training and exercise

When getting back to the grind after a good break from a long season, or when at the beginning of a new training or exercise routine, the body usually feels sore. For seasoned veterans, early season training feels very challenging; lets face it, getting back into shape can feel like a daunting task. For those trying a new training regime or a new sport, the new movements will leave you a little...Read more

Le jardinage est plus qu'un simple hobby!

Le jardinage est une excellente manière de passer vos journées au printemps, en été et à l’automne. Que vous travailliez dans votre propre jardin, que vous preniez soin des pots de fleurs ou que vous entreteniez un jardin communautaire * , jardiner peut offrir un excellent moyen d’ activité physique * . Cela favorite la socialisation avec les voisins et les membres de la collectivité et il y a un...Read more

Confused about carbs?

Optimizing performance can be done in a variety of ways and an athlete nutrition strategy should be part of that process. Carbohydrates are vital for peak performance because they are one of the main sources of energy for our brains and bodies to work properly. What are carbohydrates? There are two main classifications of carbohydrates: simple (mono- and disaccharides) and complex (polysaccarides...Read more

Confus à propos des glucides?

Optimiser la performance peut se faire de plusieurs manières et la stratégie de nutrition de l’athlète devrait faire partie de cette procédure. Les glucides sont importants pour la performance au sommet parce qu’ils sont une des principales sources d’énergie pour votre cerveau et votre corps pour travailler correctement. Qu’est-ce que les glucides ? * Il y a deux principales classifications pour...Read more

Thirst for success

There is little doubt that proper hydration has many benefits for physiological function, performance and health. Good hydration practices follow the general premise that an individual will attempt to match fluid intake with fluid losses. We know that when sweat loss exceeds fluid intake we become dehydrated, although it's a common practice to drink fluids despite a lack of thirst. When athletes...Read more

Soif de succès

De toute évidence, une bonne hydratation est bénéfique pour les fonctions biologiques, la santé et la performance. Une bonne pratique en matière d’hydratation stipule qu’un individu apparie son apport à sa perte. On sait bien qu’une perte de sueur supérieure à l’apport liquidien entraîne la déshydratation, mais on boit quand même en l’absence de soif. Et, lorsqu’on encourage les athlètes à...Read more

What exactly are electrolytes?

Electrolytes are electrically charged particles that help the body function normally. The importance of electrolytes in the human body is so great that we quickly react to an electrolyte deficiency. Athletes in particular are susceptible because electrolytes are depleted during perspiration . Some of the more familiar electrolytes include potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium. These minerals...Read more