Walk yourself to better health

Modern society has made life very accessible for humans. We do not have to chase down animals in order to eat, and we have the luxury of travelling from one point to the other without ever having to walk. We can all attest that we are very thankful of modern inventions, which have made our lives much easier. However, with transportation that is readily accessible, we have neglected to do the...Read more

What exactly are electrolytes?

Electrolytes are electrically charged particles that help the body function normally. The importance of electrolytes in the human body is so great that we quickly react to an electrolyte deficiency. Athletes in particular are susceptible because electrolytes are depleted during perspiration . Some of the more familiar electrolytes include potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium. These minerals...Read more

Beet the competition

A handful of studies performed over the past several years have found that consuming beet juice may lower the oxygen cost of exercise, due to the high concentration of nitrates found in beetroot . As a result, many athletes are consuming beetroot juice as a way to enhance performance . So, how does it work? A compound called ' nitric oxide ' (NO) is a compound that is made in the body but can...Read more

Can Omega-3 fats aid performance?

Omega-3 fats are a type of polyunsaturated fat found naturally in fish oils, which have long been thought to be good for general health. There are claims that it improves everything from brain function, to cardiovascular health, but does it give athletes an edge? A recent study found that Omega-3 fatty acids may increase physical conditioning by improving the efficiency of the cardiorespiratory...Read more

Pomegranates .. the Super Food!

We have all heard of so called “super foods”. Well the” super food” that gets the most attention this time of year, is the pomegranate . A native fruit of Iran, pomegranates are now available year round, however are considered “in season” now until February. The health benefits of pomegranates are constantly being researched. To date the list includes: Very high in antioxidants Lowering bad...Read more

Hypertension … in kids!

When we think about high blood pressure, we associate this with getting older and watching our sodium intake. But an article in the Wall Street Journal brings to light a dangerous trend in adolescent and pediatric hypertension . The fact that more and more children and teenagers are showing evidence of hypertension means that they are on an early trajectory for heart attacks, strokes and other...Read more