Beet the competition

A handful of studies performed over the past several years have found that consuming beet juice may lower the oxygen cost of exercise, due to the high concentration of nitrates found in beetroot . As a result, many athletes are consuming beetroot juice as a way to enhance performance . So, how does it work? A compound called ' nitric oxide ' (NO) is a compound that is made in the body but can...Read more

Myths and Truths on Juicing

Many people tout the health benefits of adding freshly squeezed juice to our diets, but with all the conflicting information out there it can be hard to know what is true and what is not. When talking about adding fresh squeezed juice (fruit or vegetable), we are referring to the fresh juice that you can easily make at home if you have the right equipment. Juicing gets rid of the toxins in your...Read more

Beyond The Sugar Bowl

Some people do it every day without hesitation. They grab a soda from the fridge or convenience store. There is nothing like it to satiate a thirst. But did you ever stop to evaluate just how much sugar can be found in a regular soft drink? Companies that produce some of our favourite pop flavours report that a 355- millilitre can have as much as 39 grams of sugar, a whopping nine teaspoons. Can...Read more

SIRC Newsletter -Drink Up!

Check out the latest SIRC Newsletter - Drink Up ! Did you know that chocolate milk provides excellent muscle recovery, or cherry juice helps with aches and pains, or that excessive cola consumption can lead to problems with your muscles? We have heard how important it is to stay hydrated when exercising, but there is more to it than fluid intake. Of equal importance is what you drink and when you...Read more

Can fruit juice help fight off obesity?

Fruit juice can be good for you! Recent studies are showing some positive results for juice drinkers. In a study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics it was determined that a daily glass of fruit juice can lower the BMI (body mass index) of adult Canadians. Results from a study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion indicated that youth who consumed 100% fruit...Read more