Combining Aerobic and Resistance Training a Formula for Success

Childhood obesity rates in Canada have been increasing over the last three decades. Establishing a healthy lifestyle for your child can help combat obesity and maintain a healthy weight. A great way to maintain a healthy weight is to eat a proper diet and implementing regular exercise. A new study released in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) Pediatrics suggests one way of...Read more

Looks or Training Volume? Which is more important for ultra runners?

What matters more to performance in ultrarunners? Training or anthropometric parameters? The results from this research were published recently, combined with interesting facts on running performance such as: Skin-fold thickness is positively associated with performances over 1,500m -10,000m and marathons Length of upper leg is a positive associations with running times over 800,1500 and 5000m...Read more

Can fruit juice help fight off obesity?

Fruit juice can be good for you! Recent studies are showing some positive results for juice drinkers. In a study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics it was determined that a daily glass of fruit juice can lower the BMI (body mass index) of adult Canadians. Results from a study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion indicated that youth who consumed 100% fruit...Read more