Looks or Training Volume? Which is more important for ultra runners?

Thursday, September 16, 2010 - 08:51

What matters more to performance in ultrarunners? Training or anthropometric parameters? The results from this research were published recently, combined with interesting facts on running performance such as:

  • Skin-fold thickness is positively associated with performances over 1,500m -10,000m and marathons
  • Length of upper leg is a positive associations with running times over 800,1500 and 5000m
  • Circumferences of chest and thigh are positively associated with running times over 800m
  • Upper arm circumference is positively associated with 10,000m running times and ultrarunners

Characteristics of Ultrarunners

  • Lower BMI
  • Lower amounts of fat at abdomen and legs

At the end of the day, the results of the study indicate that training volume and personal best time in marathon have a greater impact on performance when you are going the distance.

Want to read the full article? Contact us at askalibrarian@sirc.ca

Knechtle, B., Wirth, A., Knechtle, P., and Rosemann, T. (2010) Training Volume and Personal Best Time in Marathon, Not Anthropometric Parameters, are Associated with Performance in Male 100-km Ultrarunners. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 24(3), 604-609.