Unhealthy Food and Beverage Marketing to Children: Possible Implications for Sport

On June 10, 2017, Health Canada launched a public consultation on restricting the marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages to children. The proposed approach aims to protect children from marketing tactics that encourage them to eat unhealthy foods. This is an important issue that could potentially impact the sport sector. Consequently, all sport stakeholders are strongly encouraged to...Read more

Mom and Me: Active Lifestyles Begin at Home!

A physically active lifestyle begins to develop early in childhood. Almost 31% of Canadian children and youth 5-19 years of age are overweight or obese and if the current trends continue, by 2040, 70% of 40-year-olds will be overweight or obese . The importance of physical activity at an early age does, however, give us an idea of possible strategies to target the widespread physical activity...Read more

Combining Aerobic and Resistance Training a Formula for Success

Childhood obesity rates in Canada have been increasing over the last three decades. Establishing a healthy lifestyle for your child can help combat obesity and maintain a healthy weight. A great way to maintain a healthy weight is to eat a proper diet and implementing regular exercise. A new study released in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) Pediatrics suggests one way of...Read more

Active mothers = Active kids

Being physically active has many benefits such as controlling risk factors for heart disease , managing stress and generally improving our quality of life. In recent years, childhood obesity , a key predictor of obesity in adulthood continues to increase. This health issue has garnered a significant amount of attention from the Canadian government and health care officials and the attention is...Read more

Physical Education and Academics

For today's students, physical education classes and time spent participating in physical activity in school has been reduced due to lack of resources , and competing curriculum demands. In most high schools, students are not required to take physical education after their second year, as the curriculum only requires two PE classes in order to graduate. Also, being part of an intermural or...Read more

Sport for Life

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Sport for Life Participation in sport and physical activity is extremely important for the development and the health of your child. We all know this, yet obesity rates are climbing and children spend more time in front of screens than they ever have before. For this and many other reasons, SIRC supports the sport for life movement and its principles for Long...Read more

Can sleep loss contribute to weight gain?

It is well known that if we don't get enough sleep we have difficulty thinking and focusing clearly, we are irritable and may have trouble finishing tasks. It can be easy to think that a few hours of sleep loss isn't a big deal, but over the long-term the cumulative sleep debt may cause some health issues in the future. Current research now shows that sleep deprivation may also be linked to...Read more

Active Kids ... It's No Coincidence!

Is it more than a coincidence that Active Healthy Kids Canada released the 2011 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth during the same week that Montreal is hosting the Canadian National Obesity Summit ? If you grew up before the advent of technology, the thought that you or your children would only be getting 14 minutes of play time after school between 3pm and 6pm would seem...Read more

SIRC at the JCSMS - Day Three

Obesity Crisis Day Three at the Joint Commission on Sports Medicine & Science discussed obesity, physical activity and nutrition. Obesity is a major public health issue as it puts individuals at risk for many significant chronic diseases. The prevalence increases with the societal decline in energy expenditure (physical activity), coupled with a lack of decrease in caloric intake. The World...Read more

Injury, Safety and Obesity – Stats Canada releases Canadian Community Health Survey

Today Statistics Canada released its annual Canadian Community Health Survey and the results were very disappointing. Canadians are not only more obese than they were in 2008, but they are also getting injured more frequently when doing physical activity. Canadians are also risking more injury by not wearing a helmet when participating in sports such as cycling. According to the survey 46% of...Read more