Get the students moving! Physical activity and the classroom

The link between physical activity and academic achievement has always been an area of research that science has been keen to explore. It's great to know that there is a positive association in sport participation and grade point averages, but that's not the only benefit you can get by joining in the fun. Studies have shown that the mental skills gained through sports have a positive effect on...Read more

Physical Education Experiences

The Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that children and youth participate in moderate to vigorous activity for an hour each day. Being active helps children and youth decrease their chances of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle . Physical activity can help improve academic performance and lead to a healthy life...Read more

Physical Literacy

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Physical Literacy Physical literacy is an extremely important aspect in youth development because it provides the fundamental movement skills needed to enjoy the wide range of physical activities that are available to us. Basic motor skills are the building blocks for more specialized movement skills and patterns that an athlete will need to reach greater...Read more

Physical Education and Academics

For today's students, physical education classes and time spent participating in physical activity in school has been reduced due to lack of resources , and competing curriculum demands. In most high schools, students are not required to take physical education after their second year, as the curriculum only requires two PE classes in order to graduate. Also, being part of an intermural or...Read more

Respect, Fair Play and Ethical Behaviour - SIRC Newsletter

SIRC Newsletter Now Online: Respect, Fair Play and Ethical Behaviour We have heard before that respect, fair play and ethical behaviour (also known as sportsmanship) are all learned behaviours. The question is from whom and when do we learn these? It is never too early to learn the fundamentals, physical education classes and grassroots programs are excellent places to start. However this...Read more

SIRC Newsletter - Physical Education

The broad definition of physical education (PE) is instruction in the development and care of the body incorporating sport and hygiene. PE classes are available any time in life however they are primarily associated with primary and secondary schools and for good reason, 80% of schools provide intramural and interscholastic classes in Canada. There are countless benefits to PE. Children involved...Read more

University of Alberta to Provide Aboriginal Sport and Recreation Certificate

The Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation and the Faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada have joined forces to offer a new certificate for students geared towards Aboriginal sport and recreation, starting the fall of 2011. The first of its kind in Canada, the program is designed to offer core courses from both faculties and will provide graduates with an...Read more

Physical Education and Physical Literacy

Check out the latest SIRC Newsletter on Physical Education and Physical Literacy ! Attention towards understanding youth physical fitness in relation to health has developed in the last few years. With this in mind, educators are seeking a curriculum with a vision of building physical and health literacy. Students need to be experiencing programs that are more engaging, energizing and personally...Read more