Warmth or Competence: Do parents value one more than the other in competitive youth sport coaches?

Competence and warmth are two of the fundamental dimensions which we often judge other people (Kervyn, Bergsieker, & Fiske, 2011). Traits such as friendliness, helpfulness, sincerity, trustworthiness, and morality, all contribute to someone’s perceived warmth (Fiske, Cuddy, & Glick, 2007). In contrast, traits such as intelligence, skill, creativity, and independence all contribute to...Read more

Mom and Me: Active Lifestyles Begin at Home!

A physically active lifestyle begins to develop early in childhood. Almost 31% of Canadian children and youth 5-19 years of age are overweight or obese and if the current trends continue, by 2040, 70% of 40-year-olds will be overweight or obese . The importance of physical activity at an early age does, however, give us an idea of possible strategies to target the widespread physical activity...Read more

Parental Influence on kids’ sporting experience

Parents have a tremendous influence in the development and enjoyment of a child’s sporting life especially in the early years. Instilling confidence, emotional support and emphasizing development as opposed to outcome helps a child to focus on improvement and effort. A parent’s role should be to encourage the child regardless of ability, limit criticisms after a game, let the coaches do their job...Read more

Packing a healthy lunch!

The kids are back in school and with that parents resume the job of packing lunches. Healthy lunches and snacks are essential in providing the required nutrients and minerals a child will need to keep up the energy they need to learn and play at school. Every child has different energy needs which can change from day to day over time. Most schools will send uneaten food home so the parent will...Read more

Préparer un dîner sain!

Les enfants sont de retour à l’école et les parents recommencent donc la tâche de préparer des dîners. Les dîners sains * et les collations sont essentiels pour donner les substances nutritives nécessaires et les minéraux dont un enfant aura besoin pour avoir l’énergie dont il aura besoin pour apprendre et jouer à l’école. Chaque enfant a des besoins énergétiques différents qui peuvent changer d’...Read more

Parental support in youth sports

Youth sport is a social system that involves children, peers, coaches, and parents, all of whom influence the development of a child's values, attitudes, social relationships and motivation to participate. When parents sign up their child for a sport, they want to support their child but also want to see them succeed. So, as a parent how do you walk the fine line between being involved and being...Read more

Soutien parental dans les sports des jeunes

Les sports des jeunes constituent un système social qui englobe des enfants, des entraîneurs et des parents, qui sont tous des intervenants ayant de l'influence sur le développement des valeurs, des comportements, des relations sociales et de la motivation des enfants. Lorsqu'un parent inscrit son enfant à un sport, il veut l'appuyer et le voir réussir. Alors en tant que parent, comment s'assurer...Read more

Preventing Burnout in Children

Burnout in sport is defined as “physical/emotional exhaustion, sport devaluation, and reduced over-training and by competing too often. This is an important issue in youth sports because it often leads to dropping out of sport completely. Participation in sport offers many benefits to children and with so many people leading sedentary lifestyles, it's becoming even more important to keep our kids...Read more

Sport Safety and Accessories

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Sport Accessories and Safety With all the kids back in the classroom, try outs for school sports and classes for phys-ed will be starting up again. Many of you may have already received a note from a coach or phys-ed teacher requesting that students remove all jewelry and accessories before participating in any kind of sport. As a parent or coach, it's...Read more

Respect, Fair Play and Ethical Behaviour - SIRC Newsletter

SIRC Newsletter Now Online: Respect, Fair Play and Ethical Behaviour We have heard before that respect, fair play and ethical behaviour (also known as sportsmanship) are all learned behaviours. The question is from whom and when do we learn these? It is never too early to learn the fundamentals, physical education classes and grassroots programs are excellent places to start. However this...Read more