High school coach vs. the club coach

Organized sports played among youth participants are usually in the form of club sports or school athletic teams. It is also likely that those who participate in club sports are also members of their high school teams . Having the opportunity to represent your school at a city or provincial championship engenders a sense of school pride while creating a lasting bond among schoolmates. Clubs...Read more

Packing a healthy lunch!

The kids are back in school and with that parents resume the job of packing lunches. Healthy lunches and snacks are essential in providing the required nutrients and minerals a child will need to keep up the energy they need to learn and play at school. Every child has different energy needs which can change from day to day over time. Most schools will send uneaten food home so the parent will...Read more

SIRC Newsletter: High School Sport

September means back to school for most Canadians. Getting ready for the arrival of students can be a major task for teachers, coaches, and administrators. Questions may arise on anything from planning a fitness program to creating risk management strategies. As a student-athlete, knowing what coaches are looking for in tryouts or how to prepare for your university or college athletic future may...Read more

PacificSport Okanagan Introduces New Academy

With a new school year right around the corner, PacificSport Okanagan announces their new PacificSport Athlete Academy for secondary school student-athletes. The new Academy based in Kelowna, allows high school student-athletes an opportunity to enhance their overall learning environment by having access to a flexible educational timetable and the supportive structure to work in cooperation with...Read more