Tips for Back to School Nutrition and Physical Activity

While this has been an exciting summer in sport, September brings us back to the classroom. This time of year reminds us that it is time to return to learning and it’s time to consider the best way to fuel the body and mind to optimize school lessons and the learning environment. How can we give our youth the best combination of healthy nutrition and active lifestyles to fuel them for learning?...Read more

Sport Academies: A Growing Phenomenon in Canadian Schools

SIRC is pleased to be working together with Sport Canada to share current research on topics informing policy and promoting quality sport programming. This week we are sharing highlights of a recent article reviewing a research study on SPORT ACADEMY TREND IN ALBERTA, CANADA. Sport Academies: A Growing Phenomenon in Canadian Schools . Balderson, D. (2015). Physical and Health Education, 80(4), 27...Read more

International Walk to School Month

by Trent Weir Algonquin College Sport Business Management Intern October is Some parents may be hesitant to send their children to school by active transportation because of safety concerns. However, an increase in the number of pedestrians has actually been shown to reduce the amount of crime in a neighbourhood. There are also resources, like Elmer the Safety Elephant , to help teach children...Read more

Packing a healthy lunch!

The kids are back in school and with that parents resume the job of packing lunches. Healthy lunches and snacks are essential in providing the required nutrients and minerals a child will need to keep up the energy they need to learn and play at school. Every child has different energy needs which can change from day to day over time. Most schools will send uneaten food home so the parent will...Read more

SIRC Newsletter - Physical Education

The broad definition of physical education (PE) is instruction in the development and care of the body incorporating sport and hygiene. PE classes are available any time in life however they are primarily associated with primary and secondary schools and for good reason, 80% of schools provide intramural and interscholastic classes in Canada. There are countless benefits to PE. Children involved...Read more