Why Should You Make Your Fruit and Vegetable Selection Colourful?

Many people often say that you eat first with your eyes. Selecting a menu full of colour not only makes your meal more appealing to the visual senses, it will benefit your health too. Different colours of foods generally mean that it contains different vitamins and minerals. When you think about it, no one single food can contain all the nutrients that an individual needs, so eating different...Read more

Do you really need to take a multivitamin?

Vitamins and supplements are big business, with billions of dollars spent each year. North Americans are firm in the belief that they need to boost their intake of multivitamins for better health – but do they really work? Researchers generally believe that, with a few exceptions, most people that adhere to a healthy diet don’t need them. Who should take multivitamins? Women who are pregnant or...Read more

Fresh or Frozen?

The Canadian Food Guide recommends that we consume between 4 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. One medium fruit or half a cup of fresh, frozen or canned vegetables is considered to be one Food Guide Serving . During the winter months, it is hard to find fresh fruits and vegetables that have been picked from a garden close by. We have become accustomed to eating fruits and vegetables...Read more

Fresh or Frozen?

The Canadian Food Guide recommends that we consume between 4 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. One medium fruit or half a cup of fresh, frozen or canned vegetables is considered to be one Food Guide Serving . During the winter months, it is hard to find fresh fruits and vegetables that have been picked from a garden close by. We have become accustomed to eating fruits and vegetables...Read more

Packing a healthy lunch!

The kids are back in school and with that parents resume the job of packing lunches. Healthy lunches and snacks are essential in providing the required nutrients and minerals a child will need to keep up the energy they need to learn and play at school. Every child has different energy needs which can change from day to day over time. Most schools will send uneaten food home so the parent will...Read more