Nutritional demands for adolescent athletes

Good nutrition for adolescents is essential for promoting proper growth and development and is even more important with the demanding training schedules of a young athlete. The Canadian Food Guide provides excellent nutritional information for teenagers aged between 12 and 18 years who participate in general physical activity. For teens that train at high intensities and compete on competitive...Read more

Active mothers = Active kids

Being physically active has many benefits such as controlling risk factors for heart disease , managing stress and generally improving our quality of life. In recent years, childhood obesity , a key predictor of obesity in adulthood continues to increase. This health issue has garnered a significant amount of attention from the Canadian government and health care officials and the attention is...Read more

Fresh or Frozen?

The Canadian Food Guide recommends that we consume between 4 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. One medium fruit or half a cup of fresh, frozen or canned vegetables is considered to be one Food Guide Serving . During the winter months, it is hard to find fresh fruits and vegetables that have been picked from a garden close by. We have become accustomed to eating fruits and vegetables...Read more