Active mothers = Active kids

Being physically active has many benefits such as controlling risk factors for heart disease , managing stress and generally improving our quality of life. In recent years, childhood obesity , a key predictor of obesity in adulthood continues to increase. This health issue has garnered a significant amount of attention from the Canadian government and health care officials and the attention is...Read more

Children less fit than their parents

Cardiovascular endurance exercise helps strengthen your heart so that it is able to transport oxygen to your organs and muscles. The heart is the most important muscle in the human body. With proper diet and regular exercise, cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke can be minimized. A person’s heart health is a good indicator of their overall health. But are our children as...Read more

Physical Education Experiences

The Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that children and youth participate in moderate to vigorous activity for an hour each day. Being active helps children and youth decrease their chances of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle . Physical activity can help improve academic performance and lead to a healthy life...Read more