Sport Participation on a Budget

The new school year is on the horizon and parents want to make sure that their children stay active and healthy. One of the easiest ways to help that along is by signing them up for a sport. A 2015 study noted that 85% of Canadians agree that sport builds communities and has an overall positive effect on participants, however 90% have also stated that the rising costs of sport are a barrier. How...Read more

The Implications of Screen Time for Young Children

In June, the Canadian Paediatric Society released new screen time guidelines for children under 5years old. A child’s first experiences with screens can be habit-forming, with lasting implications. While there are potential benefits associated with mindful screen use among children, excessive screen time can present risks for development, psychosocial skills, and physical health. Parents and...Read more

The Importance of Risky Play for Physical, Social, and Emotional Development

Engaging in risky play is a natural part of a child’s development. In addition to increasing physical activity and developing social skills, risky play is a way by which children learn to adapt to their environments and fears, and may moderate the potential of a future anxiety disorder. Risky play is a form of play that is thrilling and involves an element of potential physical injury. It most...Read more

Unhealthy Food and Beverage Marketing to Children: Possible Implications for Sport

On June 10, 2017, Health Canada launched a public consultation on restricting the marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages to children. The proposed approach aims to protect children from marketing tactics that encourage them to eat unhealthy foods. This is an important issue that could potentially impact the sport sector. Consequently, all sport stakeholders are strongly encouraged to...Read more

Tips for an Active Spring Break!

With many school systems across the country going into Spring Break, families are looking for ways to keep their kids active and engaged. Whether they are at home for the week or you decide to go on the road, there are many ways to incorporate fitness and fun into the break. Want to avoid hearing “I’m boooored!” and head off a week of “I don’t know what to do!”? Check out these fun activities you...Read more

Tips for Back to School Nutrition and Physical Activity

While this has been an exciting summer in sport, September brings us back to the classroom. This time of year reminds us that it is time to return to learning and it’s time to consider the best way to fuel the body and mind to optimize school lessons and the learning environment. How can we give our youth the best combination of healthy nutrition and active lifestyles to fuel them for learning?...Read more


SIRC is pleased to be working together with Sport Canada to share current research on topics informing policy and promoting quality sport programming. This week we are sharing highlights of a recent article examining IMPACTS ON CHILDREN'S PARTICIPATION IN ORGANIZED SPORT AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES AND ACTIVE FREE PLAY. Children's Participation in Organized Sport and Physical Activities and Active...Read more

In with the new! Making Lifestyle Behaviour Changes

According to Conference Board of Canada research, Canada gets a “B” grade on the health report card, ranking 8th among 16 peer countries compared in their study. While that doesn’t sound so bad in the grand scheme of things, we also hear from ParticipACTION’s Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth that Canada gets a D- for overall physical activity levels with only 9% of 5-17...Read more

Children less fit than their parents

Cardiovascular endurance exercise helps strengthen your heart so that it is able to transport oxygen to your organs and muscles. The heart is the most important muscle in the human body. With proper diet and regular exercise, cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke can be minimized. A person’s heart health is a good indicator of their overall health. But are our children as...Read more

Physical Literacy

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Physical Literacy Physical literacy is an extremely important aspect in youth development because it provides the fundamental movement skills needed to enjoy the wide range of physical activities that are available to us. Basic motor skills are the building blocks for more specialized movement skills and patterns that an athlete will need to reach greater...Read more