The Implications of Screen Time for Young Children

In June, the Canadian Paediatric Society released new screen time guidelines for children under 5years old. A child’s first experiences with screens can be habit-forming, with lasting implications. While there are potential benefits associated with mindful screen use among children, excessive screen time can present risks for development, psychosocial skills, and physical health. Parents and...Read more

The Diabetic Athlete

More than 382 million people worldwide, and 10 million Canadians, are living with Diabetes Mellitus, more commonly known as diabetes . There are three different types of the chronic disease, but most athletes seem to have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 is when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin for the body, and Type 2 is when the cells in the body fail to respond to insulin...Read more


SIRC is pleased to be working together with Sport Canada to share current research on topics informing policy and promoting quality sport programming. This week we are sharing highlights from a recent article examining the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COACHES AND THE LONG-TERM ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT MODEL . Coaches' adoption and implementation of Sport Canada’s long-term athlete development model. Charlotte...Read more

De l’activité physique pour la nouvelle maman

Il n’est pas toujours facile pour une nouvelle maman de pratiquer une activité physique post-partum *. En effet, les soins du nouveau-né étant prioritaires, les modifications des habitudes journalières, des niveaux d’énergie et des fonctions biologiques suscitent fréquemment une baisse de la participation à des activités sportives structurées et à des activités physiques. Que faire et quand...Read more

Physical activity for the new mom

Postpartum exercise isn't always easy for a new mom to accomplish. As caring for a newborn takes priority, changes to daily habits, energy levels, and physiology often lead to decreased participation in structured sports and physical activity. How and when do I get started? For the average woman, resumption of physical activity (except for light walking and/or stretching) is recommended only...Read more

'I love watching you play?'

After three decades of informally surveying hundreds of college athletes, two former longtime coaches have become advocates for athletes and voices for youth. Both Bruce Brown and Rob Miller of Proactive Coaching LLC, have spent their last 12 years speaking to millions of athletes at colleges, high schools and youth leagues about their views on parents and sport . When the college athletes were...Read more