The Diabetic Athlete

More than 382 million people worldwide, and 10 million Canadians, are living with Diabetes Mellitus, more commonly known as diabetes . There are three different types of the chronic disease, but most athletes seem to have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 is when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin for the body, and Type 2 is when the cells in the body fail to respond to insulin...Read more

Physical Education and Academics

For today's students, physical education classes and time spent participating in physical activity in school has been reduced due to lack of resources , and competing curriculum demands. In most high schools, students are not required to take physical education after their second year, as the curriculum only requires two PE classes in order to graduate. Also, being part of an intermural or...Read more

L’éducation physique et les études

Pour les étudiants d’aujourd’hui, les cours d’éducation physique et passer du temps à participer à des activités physiques à l’école ont diminué à cause du manque de ressources * et des exigences du curriculum de compétition. Dans la majorité des écoles secondaires, les étudiants ne sont pas obligés de faire de l’éducation physique après leur deuxième année, puisque le curriculum n’exige que deux...Read more


If you have ever looked at the Canadian Food Guide you will notice that fruits , vegetables , and grains products are highly recommended. A diet high in fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes may help reduce the risk of some cancers and the risk of heart disease. A plant-based diet is also high in minerals and vitamins, is low in calories, and is cholesterol free. Another benefit of emphasizing...Read more


Si vous regardez un jour le Guide alimentaire canadien, vous remarquerez que les fruits , les légumes et les céréales sont fortement recommandés. Une diète riche en fruits, légumes et céréales peut aider à diminuer le risque pour certains cancers et le risque de maladie cardiaque. Une diète axée sur les plantes est aussi riche en minéraux et en vitamines, est faible en calories et sans...Read more

A step in the right direction

As I write this blog post I sit at a computer and you probably are as well. When does sitting become excessive? Does sitting really affect your health? Many doctors and health practitioners claim that prolonged sitting (one hour or more) can in fact have a serious impact on your health. Results of prolonged sitting: Reduces energy levels Increases risk of weight gain Six or more hours of sitting...Read more

Can sleep loss contribute to weight gain?

It is well known that if we don't get enough sleep we have difficulty thinking and focusing clearly, we are irritable and may have trouble finishing tasks. It can be easy to think that a few hours of sleep loss isn't a big deal, but over the long-term the cumulative sleep debt may cause some health issues in the future. Current research now shows that sleep deprivation may also be linked to...Read more