A step in the right direction

As I write this blog post I sit at a computer and you probably are as well. When does sitting become excessive? Does sitting really affect your health? Many doctors and health practitioners claim that prolonged sitting (one hour or more) can in fact have a serious impact on your health. Results of prolonged sitting: Reduces energy levels Increases risk of weight gain Six or more hours of sitting...Read more

SIRC at the CASEM Conference!

The SIRC virtual resource centre is on the road this week in Kelowna, BC attending the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine ( CASEM ) conference. It is great talking to the sports medicine community and helping them out with their questions in the area of sport medicine and preventive health interventions. Some of the topics being discussed include: Exercise as a modality for chronic...Read more

Winning Immunity!

A healthy immune system helps us fight off diseases, helps in wound healing, and helps determine how well we age. In the sporting context, a healthy immune system aids training recovery, protects from illness and minimizes time away from training and competing. However, we all feel a little run down sometimes and this is our body’s way of saying that our immune system is a little weak. Symptoms...Read more