SIRC at the CASEM-OMA Conference

The Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine (CASEM) and SIRC have always worked together to provide the latest research in sports science to CASEM members. That is why SIRC is pleased to announce that we will be attending the CASEM-OMA conference at The Westin Ottawa from February 11-14. This exciting event gives Ontario sport doctors and practitioners the opportunity to share their...Read more

SIRC at the CASEM Conference!

The SIRC virtual resource centre is on the road this week in Kelowna, BC attending the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine ( CASEM ) conference. It is great talking to the sports medicine community and helping them out with their questions in the area of sport medicine and preventive health interventions. Some of the topics being discussed include: Exercise as a modality for chronic...Read more

The Achilles Heel of the Achilles Tendon

The Achilles tendon is the large fibrous tissue that connects the heel to the muscles of the lower leg. Named after Achilles , the ancient Greek hero of the Trojan War who was invulnerable except for one spot on his heel, it is the thickest and strongest tendon in the body, so that it can connect with the most powerful muscle group in the body - the calf muscles (plantaris, gastrocnemius and...Read more

SIRC is at the 2011 CASEM Conference in Newfoundland!

by Brandie Adams, SIRC Reference Librarian onsite at the CASEM Conference 2011 Today is the first official day of the Canadian Academy of Sport & Exercise Medicine CASEM Conference in St. John’s Newfoundland. Pre-conference activity has been going on since Monday with the Team Physician and Anti-Doping sessions. The SIRC Anti-Doping newsletter went out yesterday and there has been lots of...Read more

Weighty matters

The latest position stand from the American College of Sports Medicine ( ACSM ) on weight loss and the prevention of weight regain highlights the continuing battle with obesity and overweight in the North American population. According to the statement “overweight and obesity affects more than 66% of the adult population and is associated with a variety of chronic diseases”. The Canadian Academy...Read more