SIRC at the CASEM Conference!

The SIRC virtual resource centre is on the road this week in Kelowna, BC attending the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine ( CASEM ) conference. It is great talking to the sports medicine community and helping them out with their questions in the area of sport medicine and preventive health interventions. Some of the topics being discussed include: Exercise as a modality for chronic...Read more

The Achilles Heel of the Achilles Tendon

The Achilles tendon is the large fibrous tissue that connects the heel to the muscles of the lower leg. Named after Achilles , the ancient Greek hero of the Trojan War who was invulnerable except for one spot on his heel, it is the thickest and strongest tendon in the body, so that it can connect with the most powerful muscle group in the body - the calf muscles (plantaris, gastrocnemius and...Read more

Returning to play? Who decides?

So you lose your star player to injury. If you are a professional team, this may affect gate receipts. If you are in the hunt for a championship, this may cost you the title. So no matter the motivation to get your player back on the field of play, star of the team or not, how is the decision made and who makes it? Does the athlete decide when they are ready? Should the coach make the final...Read more

SIRC at the JCSMS - Day 2

Tackling Sport Concussion by Nancy Rebel, SIRC Did you know 58% of all concussions occur in practice (high school & college football) 140,000 concussions a year in US high school sport (football #1, girls’ soccer #2) Presenter: Dr. Robert Cantu, MD A lot of research has been done in concussion management, but it has really taken off since 2001. There is still much to be done. The best...Read more

SIRC at the JCSMS!

2011 Joint Commission on Sports Medicine & Science Annual Meeting by Nancy Rebel, Director of Library Services, SIRC SIRC is pleased to be a member organization of the Joint Commission on Sports Medicine and Science ( JCSMS ) and attend the annual meetings. The Commission gathers together the executives from over 60 organizations that are leaders in the area of sport and physical activity...Read more