SIRC at the CASEM Conference!

Friday, June 22, 2012 - 12:12

The SIRC virtual resource centre is on the road this week in Kelowna, BC attending the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine (CASEM) conference. It is great talking to the sports medicine community and helping them out with their questions in the area of sport medicine and preventive health interventions.

Some of the topics being discussed include:

  • Exercise as a modality for chronic disease prevention 
  • Exercise as disease management 
  • Concussion research, prevention and management (including adaptations for women and youth) 
  • Ethics for team physicians 
  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) research 
  • Advocating for healthy lifestyles 

SIRC is pleased to be in partnership with CASEM to support medical professionals working in the area of sport and active living through SIRC membership.

Great conference CASEM!!