In with the new! Making Lifestyle Behaviour Changes

According to Conference Board of Canada research, Canada gets a “B” grade on the health report card, ranking 8th among 16 peer countries compared in their study. While that doesn’t sound so bad in the grand scheme of things, we also hear from ParticipACTION’s Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth that Canada gets a D- for overall physical activity levels with only 9% of 5-17...Read more

Aqua Fitness: A low impact physical activity for the active aging adult

Aqua fitness for older adults, especially for those with limited mobility can be an excellent way of staying active. It is a low impact form of exercise that is accessible to all swimming levels and abilities. Working out in the water allows for greater range of motion without putting too much strain on the body, prevents overheating and enables participants to exercise for a longer period of...Read more

What is Physical Literacy?

by Leigh Cove Algonquin College Sport Business Management Intern Muscle memory is a well-known term in active living and sport. The idea that once you have learned something and practiced it, your muscles will begin to move with the pattern of the motions each time you use them until those patterns become natural. Physical literacy takes this idea and applies it to the learning and development of...Read more

Two Wheeled Winter Escape

by Leigh Cove Algonquin College Sport Business Management Intern Once again winter has settled in, and even though it’s just started people are already counting the days until spring. A lucky few will get to escape and fly somewhere not coated in ice and snow, while the rest only get to daydream. If you are planning a vacation this winter and are looking for a unique experience growing in...Read more

Defying Father Time: Elite Athletes Career Longevity

The As we age, our bodies change and we are simply not able to do certain things in the same way as we could when we were young. With aging in athletic terms, we must evolve and come to understand our limits, learning strategies to compensate for those limits. Even as a recreational athlete, you can age successfully . Even though your body does not work in the way that it used to, you can adapt...Read more

Celebrate in Active Aging Week! Sept 23 - Sept 28

It's active aging week in Canada and this year's theme is "Discover your Community." Active aging events are planned locally which allows organizers in each community the ability to decide what they would like to do. Events are free for participants and are intended to be fun and educational, with a no-pressure atmosphere. The idea is based around what successful aging is - it's about engaging in...Read more

Physical Literacy

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Physical Literacy Physical literacy is an extremely important aspect in youth development because it provides the fundamental movement skills needed to enjoy the wide range of physical activities that are available to us. Basic motor skills are the building blocks for more specialized movement skills and patterns that an athlete will need to reach greater...Read more

Don't let age slow you down!

Many of you may not know that the International Council on Active Aging celebrates Active Aging Week , from September 23-29. A lot people participate in this annual event, with this year's theme being many journeys, many destinations. To celebrate this week, we are giving some tips for healthy, active living, so you don't have to let age slow you down! 1. Determine your participation style - Do...Read more


SIRC Newsletter now available online: Engagement With London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics still in everyone’s minds, it’s important to leverage this momentum to get more people engaged in sport. Sport has always promoted inclusion within the community; it supports participation and fun regardless of your gender, religion, ability, ethnicity, age or disability. Sport provides an avenue for...Read more

Exercise for Persons with a Disability

As we have recently been reminded, an increasing number of Canadians are overweight despite programming being implemented to address the issue ( Canadian Community Health Survey ). Many programs focus on the general population, but what about those who are Para or Quadriplegic. A recent article from the SIRC Collection discusses the value of exercise for individuals who have little or no...Read more