Including Children and Youth with Disabilities in the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines

Engaging in regular physical activity, getting enough sleep, and limiting time spent inactive are well known and evidence-based prescriptions for the promotion of overall health and well-being(Tremblay et al., 2016). In fact, the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth (ages 5-17) — which consolidate the evidence-based daily requirements for physical activity and inactivity,...Read more

Tips for Inclusive Programs for Persons with Disabilities

December 3, 2018 is International Day of Persons with Disabilities . This year’s theme is “ Empowering People with Disabilities and Ensuring Inclusiveness and Equality”. Here in Canada, we have reason to celebrate. The Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Public Services and Procurement and Accessibility, is shepherding Bill C-81, the Accessible Canada Act, through its parliamentary process...Read more

Sport Participation for Elite Athletes with Physical Disabilities: Motivations, Barriers, and Facilitators

To increase the number of individuals with disabilities participating in adapted sport it is relevant to determine the motivations and athletic development of those who do participate in sport through to the high performance level. Despite a number of research studies examining motivations, facilitators, and barriers to sport for persons with a disability, the research on those competing at an...Read more

International Day of Persons with Disability

According to the Canadian Survey on Disability , 3.8 million Canadians self identified as disabled in 2012. On December 3 rd , the United Nation’s promotes International Day of Persons with Disability and the theme for 2014 will be “Sustainable Development: The Promise of Technology”. The UN has championed this day since 1992 to highlight the social, physical and economical barriers that people...Read more

Diversity in Sport

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Diversity in Sport The Canadian sport community has the opportunity to embrace our uniquely diverse population and actively strive for a multicultural and socially inclusive environment. Proactive sport organizations adopt a broad view of diversity and value it to its fullest extent. Ideally, this means going beyond merely removing barriers to participation...Read more

Coaching - "Invisible" Disabilities

Participation in organized sport activities has been shown to increase self-confidence, social skills and peer acceptance. Young people with "invisible" disabilities (e.g. learning, emotional/behavioural, and speech/language) can often be overlooked because they have no outward physical characteristics that suggest they have diverse learning needs . As a coach, there are many ways to foster an...Read more

Adaptive Sports Expand Opportunities

Awareness for sports participation for persons with a disability is definitely on the rise, and there are many centres with adaptive sports programs currently being run across Canada, as well as the United States. Whether it be kayaking, hand cycling, skiing or snowboarding, these programs encourage persons with a disability to discover new abilities and confidence through sports participation...Read more

Inclusion in Sport and Physical Activity

Everyone in Canada should have the opportunity to participate in sport and physical activity. It a recent ParticipACTION forum it was pointed out that those with disability can be expanded to those with limited access due to items like strollers or walkers. When this is taken into account statistics that state 1 in 6 Canadians have a disability can increase to much more. As a result it is...Read more

Exercise for Persons with a Disability

As we have recently been reminded, an increasing number of Canadians are overweight despite programming being implemented to address the issue ( Canadian Community Health Survey ). Many programs focus on the general population, but what about those who are Para or Quadriplegic. A recent article from the SIRC Collection discusses the value of exercise for individuals who have little or no...Read more