Celebrate in Active Aging Week! Sept 23 - Sept 28

It's active aging week in Canada and this year's theme is "Discover your Community." Active aging events are planned locally which allows organizers in each community the ability to decide what they would like to do. Events are free for participants and are intended to be fun and educational, with a no-pressure atmosphere. The idea is based around what successful aging is - it's about engaging in...Read more

Fêtez la Semaine de vieillir actif! 23 au 28 septembre

C’est la semaine de vieillir actif * au Canada et le thème de cette année est «Découvrez votre collectivité». Des activités pour vieillir actif sont planifiées localement, ce qui donne aux organisateurs dans chaque collectivité la possibilité de décider ce qu’ils aimeraient faire. Les activités sont gratuites pour les participants et visent être amusantes et éducatives sans atmosphère de pression...Read more

Core Strength

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Core Strength Whether you’re an athlete or a recreational exerciser, core strength is a key ingredient to achieve power, stability and proper movement. Having a strong and specifically conditioned core will reduce your risk of injury, stabilize your body and help you perform better with less movement. To ensure you get the most out of your training, SIRC has...Read more