Getting to the Core of Athlete Performance

Core strength and stability training is performed by most if not all competitive athletes these days. In fact it is one of the few training forms that is effective for all sport disciplines. The core is central to all athletic movement, whether it is generated from the area or passes through it. It is the central part of the body that transfers power. If your core is weak or inflexible then this...Read more

Suffering from a chronic condition? Exercise can help.

The majority of us when we are in pain will typically want to take it easy, stopping all activity that may be the least bit strenuous. While this obviously makes sense in the short term (1-2 days) to allow recovery, a prolonged absence from activity it can actually undermine the healing process. A lot of people are under the misconception that when you don’t feel well you’re supposed to just lie...Read more

How do you prevent low-back pain?

Nearly everyone at some point has back pain that interferes with work, routine daily activities, or recreation. Most occurrences of low back pain tend to go away within a few days. However by strengthening your core, improving your posture and increasing your daily exercise you could prevent it from happening at all. Back pain is a common condition—affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point in...Read more

Circuit Training

Circuit training promises a fast, whole body workout that is a great way to improve skills , mobility, strength and all-round body conditioning. This type of training offers variety, flexibility in its activities, can be simple, complex, general or specific. Usually designed by coaches and fitness instructors, it is a high intensity workout that is easily adaptable for people of all fitness...Read more

Core Strength

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Core Strength Whether you’re an athlete or a recreational exerciser, core strength is a key ingredient to achieve power, stability and proper movement. Having a strong and specifically conditioned core will reduce your risk of injury, stabilize your body and help you perform better with less movement. To ensure you get the most out of your training, SIRC has...Read more

Core Training - Not just for your abs!

We've all heard fitness experts claim that core training is important for overall fitness and health. Health clubs offer core training exercise groups and physio therapists recommend it for those recovering from injury. Your core is the collection of muscles that stabilize the spine, this includes the hips, pelvis, abdominals, lower back, mid-back, and neck regions of the body . These muscles are...Read more

Top 5 Fitness Trends for 2013

With a new year just begin nin g and all the ho liday celebrations com ing to an end, many of us are probably looking fo rward to getting back to or st arting a new fitness routin e. The A merican College of Sports Medici ne (A CSM) and Goo d life Fitness each survey fitness professionals to ga uge what they fe el will be the t op fitness trends of the new year. Looking over both repor ts , we've...Read more

Exercise and bone health

It is well known that regular exercise is excellent for your heart, health and well-being. There is also plenty of evidence that proves that regular exercise is essential in warding off various health-related issues; what's not as well known is that people who perform non-weight bearing exercises such as cycling or swimming as their sole method of exercise could be putting themselves at risk for...Read more

Cross Training for the Winter Season

Cross training , whether it's done as whole other sport or alternate activity can be a fantastic mental and physical break from your regular training. Splitting up your daily routine with weight-lifting, spinning or swimming for example, gives you a whole new set of skills to focus on and inserts you into a fresh atmosphere with a different group of people. A big benefit of cross training is that...Read more

Take a deep breath

Breathing is intuitive so most people probably feel it doesn't require special training to get it right. However, it's easy to form bad habits as a result of poor posture, movement patterns and even stress. For athletes, these bad habits can affect the nervous system, contribute to muscle fatigue, and decrease performance, so it's worth taking the time to learn some To learn optimal breathing...Read more