Top 5 Fitness Trends for 2013

With a new year just begin nin g and all the ho liday celebrations com ing to an end, many of us are probably looking fo rward to getting back to or st arting a new fitness routin e. The A merican College of Sports Medici ne (A CSM) and Goo d life Fitness each survey fitness professionals to ga uge what they fe el will be the t op fitness trends of the new year. Looking over both repor ts , we've...Read more

SIRC Newsletter - Healthy Holidays!

Check out the latest SIRC Newsletter - Healthy Holidays ! For 11 months of the year we watch what we eat and stick to our exercise routine. Then the holiday season rolls around and the wheels fall off. Tempted by wonderful goodies every time you turn around and overloaded by a hectic holiday schedule it is easy to let your healthy habits slip, overindulge, neglect your workouts and become...Read more