Yoga and low back pain

What does yoga do for the body? Strengthen and stretches the muscles Provides stress relief Increases flexibility Improved coordination Good for overall health and fitness While yoga may be good for overall back function, depending on the individual and the severity of the problem, it's important to note that yoga may not always alleviate the pain. Yoga classes were shown to be more beneficial...Read more

Identification et prévention des blessures aux ischiojambiers

Aucun athlète n’est à l’abri d’une blessure aux ischiojambiers .* Le risque d’élongation des ischiojambiers est plus élevé si on pratique une activité comportant de la course, des sauts, des arrêts et des départs. Le sprint, les haies, le handball, le football, le baseball/softball, la course et le soccer sont de bons exemples. Les ischiojambiers comprennent trois muscles * : le semi-tendineux,...Read more

Hamstring Injuries - Identification and Prevention

Hamstring injuries can affect any athlete, at any time. You are more likely to get a hamstring strain if you perform sports that involve a lot of running and jumping or stopping and starting. Sprinting, hurdles, handball, football, baseball/softball, running and soccer are all good examples. The hamstring is formed from three muscles - the semitendinosus, semimembranosus and the biceps femoris -...Read more

Stretching it out

Many people make the assumption that stretching and warming up are pretty much the same thing, when in fact they are quite different. Warming up is the preparation of your body for the demands of the physical activity you have planned, whereas stretching is focused on specific areas that are tight and require loosening. While studies have shown mixed results on the effectiveness of stretching,...Read more

Don't let age slow you down!

Many of you may not know that the International Council on Active Aging celebrates Active Aging Week , from September 23-29. A lot people participate in this annual event, with this year's theme being many journeys, many destinations. To celebrate this week, we are giving some tips for healthy, active living, so you don't have to let age slow you down! 1. Determine your participation style - Do...Read more

Is Stretching Really Necessary?

Stretching is an activity that we all know is beneficial to us but it's often overlooked. Stretching is necessary to a body in motion in order to help prevent injury and prepare the muscles for work. However, stretching is not a warm-up, in fact, stretching requires a warm-up. Stretching when your body is not warmed up can cause tiny tears in your muscle and also make you more prone to injury...Read more

Yoga Poses and Meditation for back pain

Yoga - the ancient physical, mental and spiritual discipline - has been found to be a great intervention for chronic back pain. And many high level athletes use yoga as a part of their training and recovery programs. The physical stretches are the most helpful part of the recovery but let us not forgot that the mental aspect of the discipline is quite beneficial to recovery as well. By holding a...Read more

To stretch or not to stretch – that is the question?

Who hasn’t begun a run, exercise session or volleyball game with a bit of static stretching? You see it everywhere – runners stretching their hamstrings while pushing against trees and stretching their Achilles tendon using street curbs, and then setting out for their run. But is this really doing your muscles and energy systems any good for your pending athletic performance? Once an essential...Read more

Swing into Spring!

Last week’s blog discussed overtraining in spring, but how about those people that don’t train at all and just go out there and start swinging a golf club at the first sign of spring. This is when injury can occur. Although sports like golf are considered low impact, golf injuries are increasing at an alarming rate. A golfers shoulder, forearm and back are the most common injury areas. So what...Read more