Yoga and low back pain

Thursday, May 30, 2013 - 09:37

What does yoga do for the body?

While yoga may be good for overall back function, depending on the individual and the severity of the problem, it's important to note that yoga may not always alleviate the pain. Yoga classes were shown to be more beneficial than self care exercises or home videos. Performing yoga poses at home without the supervision of an instructor may prove to be a risky business if the poses are not done correctly.

Recent studies have shown that yoga combined with stretching can be a good, safe option for people who are willing to try physical activity to relieve moderate low back pain. Classes should be designed with a beginner in mind and taught by instructors that are able to modify postures for individual needs and or limitations. Before starting a new fitness regimen or class, please remember to contact your doctor or physiotherapist first to minimize risk of injury.

References from the SIRC Collection:

1. Archer S. YOGA HELPS MANAGE LOW-BACK PAIN. IDEA Fitness Journal. March 2012;9(3):69.
2. DeAvilla N. In the Classroom: Adapting Class for Students with Low Back Pain. Yoga Therapy In Practice. September 2005;1(1):7-9.
3. DAWSON-COOK S. STEERING CLEAR FROM A REAL PAIN IN THE BACK. American Fitness. May 2013;31(3):48-50.
4. Girdwain J, Mcgee K. Fix It with Fitness. Health (Time Inc.). May 2013;27(4):47.
5. HOWE D. Oh, My Aching Back. American Fitness. January 2011;29(1):54-55.
6. LARGEST U.S. STUDY SHOWS YOGA EASES BACK PAIN. American Fitness. March 2012;30(2):10.
7. Selfridge N. Yay Yoga! More Evidence for Helping Low Back Pain. Alternative Medicine Alert. March 2012;15(3):33-34.
8. Suffering from Low Back Pain? Maybe You Should Try Yoga. Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter. February 2012;29(12):3.


Thanks for the tips!There is a lot of great information in this article. Recently I saw a specialist for back pain in NJ and he told me that if done properly, yoga can do wonders for your back!

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Of course yoga is one of the best ways to get rid of back pain. Everyone should do this physical activity regularly to reduce the pain and maintain health.
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