Exercise Associated Muscle Cramping

Muscle cramps are a common occurrence in sports and numerous other physical activities, where even highly fit athletes can experience slight to very painful muscle spasms. Any muscle can be affected but it commonly occurs to the legs, for athletes this can be debilitating and require some time off from training and competition. Theories are mixed in the scientific community as to why muscle...Read more

Est-ce que la caféine améliore la performance sportive?

La caféine * a plusieurs effets sur l’organisme dont plusieurs nous sont connus. Les athlètes en consomment fréquemment pour améliorer leur performance, mais est-ce que ça fonctionne vraiment? Les études présentent une diversité de résultats, car les réactions des sujets à la caféine varient considérablement. Il est difficile de vérifier si l’athlète réalise une performance différente puisque les...Read more

Does caffeine improve sport performance?

Caffeine has a wide range of effects on the body, many of which we are very familiar with. It is frequently used by athletes in an attempt to enhance sport performance, but does it actually work? Studies have had mixed results since people vary dramatically in their responses to caffeine. It is difficult to know if an athlete will notice a difference in performance, since those who consume...Read more

Identification et prévention des blessures aux ischiojambiers

Aucun athlète n’est à l’abri d’une blessure aux ischiojambiers .* Le risque d’élongation des ischiojambiers est plus élevé si on pratique une activité comportant de la course, des sauts, des arrêts et des départs. Le sprint, les haies, le handball, le football, le baseball/softball, la course et le soccer sont de bons exemples. Les ischiojambiers comprennent trois muscles * : le semi-tendineux,...Read more

Hamstring Injuries - Identification and Prevention

Hamstring injuries can affect any athlete, at any time. You are more likely to get a hamstring strain if you perform sports that involve a lot of running and jumping or stopping and starting. Sprinting, hurdles, handball, football, baseball/softball, running and soccer are all good examples. The hamstring is formed from three muscles - the semitendinosus, semimembranosus and the biceps femoris -...Read more

Preventing Burnout in Children

Burnout in sport is defined as “physical/emotional exhaustion, sport devaluation, and reduced over-training and by competing too often. This is an important issue in youth sports because it often leads to dropping out of sport completely. Participation in sport offers many benefits to children and with so many people leading sedentary lifestyles, it's becoming even more important to keep our kids...Read more

Never underestimate the power of a good walk

Walking is one of the least expensive and most accessible forms of physical exercise. It can be adopted by people of all ages and abilities, requires no training and is a great benefit to your health. Walking isn't an exercise that leads to many injuries, although it's still a good idea to equip yourself with proper fitting shoes and loose comfortable clothes . Whatever the weather conditions be...Read more

Fighting Fatigue

Fatigue seems simple: your body has reached its limit, you're tired. The current understanding is that we feel exhausted because of physical factors . Not enough oxygen and fuel to the muscles and decreased blood flow to the brain means that your muscles are no longer able to generate power no matter how hard you try. While this is true, it may not be the only factor in feeling fatigued. A recent...Read more

Spring Over-training

With the sun shining and warmer weather starting to show its face many of us are getting the fever to move our exercise and training outdoors. Spring is a time when motivations and energy are renewed so take advantage and change your workout up a bit. Exercising can improve our health, help us relax, and consistent exercise prepares our body to adapt to the stress of our future training sessions...Read more