Does caffeine improve sport performance?

Caffeine has a wide range of effects on the body, many of which we are very familiar with. It is frequently used by athletes in an attempt to enhance sport performance, but does it actually work? Studies have had mixed results since people vary dramatically in their responses to caffeine. It is difficult to know if an athlete will notice a difference in performance, since those who consume...Read more

1 in 4 Youth Athletes Report Performance Enhancing Substance Use.

In a recent study it was reported that 25.8% of young athletes in Quebec indicated that they used one of more substances from an IOC prohibited and/or restricted list of performance-enhancing drugs in the past 12 months. The top five substances listed were: Recovery Drinks (49.4%) Chocolate (34.1%) Vitamin Supplements (26.5%) Coffee (16.)%) Creatine (11.5%) These were followed by alcohol (11.4%)...Read more