Does caffeine improve sport performance?

Caffeine has a wide range of effects on the body, many of which we are very familiar with. It is frequently used by athletes in an attempt to enhance sport performance, but does it actually work? Studies have had mixed results since people vary dramatically in their responses to caffeine. It is difficult to know if an athlete will notice a difference in performance, since those who consume...Read more

Reaching the limit

The training loads for an elite athlete can be taxing, to say the least. Work too little and you won't get the results you want, work too hard and there is chance something will break. It's difficult to understand how the body can cope with the kind of mass training that we demand of it. So the question becomes: How do you know where the line is? Listen to your body - Obviously you cannot stop...Read more

Fighting Fatigue

Fatigue seems simple: your body has reached its limit, you're tired. The current understanding is that we feel exhausted because of physical factors . Not enough oxygen and fuel to the muscles and decreased blood flow to the brain means that your muscles are no longer able to generate power no matter how hard you try. While this is true, it may not be the only factor in feeling fatigued. A recent...Read more

Managing Calf Strains

Whether you are a high performance or recreational athlete, you have all probably experienced cramps in your calves at one point or another. The main cause of calf strain comes from muscle fatigue and can happen while participating in a variety of different sports. It is commonly believed that cramps can be caused by low electrolytes/sodium but so far there has been no evidence to support that...Read more

Twitching Muscles

While watching the Olympics, did you ever wonder why there was such a big difference in the physiology of endurance runners and sprint runners? Turns out, it's all in their genes. Humans have three different types of muscle fibres : Slow-twitch (Type I) - fibres are used for aerobic activities requiring low-level force production, such as walking and maintaining your posture. To be successful as...Read more

When is Pain "Acceptable"?

Anyone who has trained even moderately will have experienced pain sometime during a workout. However, if we all stopped exercising every time we had an ache or pain, we'd never get off of the couch. When you experience pain, it's your body telling you that it is under stress and being potentially damaged. Guidelines are always helpful in determining the extent of an injury but if you are in a lot...Read more

Warm up to Train at Your Peak

Everyone is aware of the importance of warming up to improve performance and prevent injury . There is good reason for this practice, because scientists have shown that warm muscles are flexible, resistant to tearing and can produce force more quickly. One of the major problems facing today’s athletes is muscular injury, both recreational and professional. A well-formed warm up will prepare the...Read more

Compression Garments

Check out the latest SIRC Newsletter on - Compression Garments ! Compression garments were originally designed for therapeutic medical use, especially for those suffering from circulatory conditions. However, over the years researchers have come to observe that there could be benefits to wearing compression garments while exercising and participating in sports. Benefits range from muscle fatigue...Read more