Concussions - SIRC Newsletter

Concussion is a topic that affects everyone in sport in some way whether you are a coach, athlete, trainer, physician, or director. A concussion is more than just a headache or a temporary loss of cognitive ability. It’s an injury that is invisible and destructive if not handled properly. With the amount of concussion resources available online, it can be difficult to find the best and most...Read more

Boosting Brain Health with Exercise!

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Boosting Brain Health with Exercise! Everyone knows that exercise comes with many health benefits - while many of us go to the gym to trim up our waistlines, regular physical activity works out your brain too! When we move, our bodies release natural chemicals and hormones which improve mood as well as increasing oxygen production to the brain that helps it...Read more

Physical activity and academic achievement

Academic success is an outcome that most parents see as a high priority and many actively help their children strive to attain it. We are all aware that regular physical activity is good for our health, but recent literature has also linked physical activity to helping youth perform better in school. There are several theories for why exercise is beneficial for brain function : Increased blood...Read more

Fighting Fatigue

Fatigue seems simple: your body has reached its limit, you're tired. The current understanding is that we feel exhausted because of physical factors . Not enough oxygen and fuel to the muscles and decreased blood flow to the brain means that your muscles are no longer able to generate power no matter how hard you try. While this is true, it may not be the only factor in feeling fatigued. A recent...Read more

Exercise is a brain booster!

One of the most interesting findings in the last few decades is that the increased oxygen that the brain gets while exercising is almost always accompanied by an upswing in It is interesting to note that these studies determined that the intensity of the exercise mattered less than the frequency. It was found that you don't even have to go for long periods of time, any amount of movement creates...Read more

Get Moving! Get Smart!

It’s common knowledge that physical exercise is good for our general health, but did you know there's another advantage to proper exercise and nutrition? It’s good for your brain . Aerobic exercise increases the amount of oxygen in the blood and studies on rats have shown that neurons (the brain's nerve cells responsible for communication) operate better when they get more oxygen. So, if you...Read more