Boosting Brain Health with Exercise!

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Boosting Brain Health with Exercise! Everyone knows that exercise comes with many health benefits - while many of us go to the gym to trim up our waistlines, regular physical activity works out your brain too! When we move, our bodies release natural chemicals and hormones which improve mood as well as increasing oxygen production to the brain that helps it...Read more

Get Moving! Get Smart!

It’s common knowledge that physical exercise is good for our general health, but did you know there's another advantage to proper exercise and nutrition? It’s good for your brain . Aerobic exercise increases the amount of oxygen in the blood and studies on rats have shown that neurons (the brain's nerve cells responsible for communication) operate better when they get more oxygen. So, if you...Read more

Multiple Intelligences for Learning Martial Arts

by Philippe-Aron Muma Algonquin College Sport Management Student SIRC Intern Taijiquan or taiji is an excellent mind- body exercise that is practiced throughout the world. This Chinese art form incorporates several disciplines including; philosophy, medicine and martial arts. In order to learn taiji a student can utilize multiple intelligences: Logical and mathematical learners can breakdown...Read more