Multiple Intelligences for Learning Martial Arts

Tuesday, November 15, 2011 - 08:48

by Philippe-Aron Muma
Algonquin College Sport Management Student
SIRC Intern

Taijiquan or taiji is an excellent mind- body exercise that is practiced throughout the world. This Chinese art form incorporates several disciplines including; philosophy, medicine and martial arts. In order to learn taiji a student can utilize multiple intelligences: 

  • Logical and mathematical learners can breakdown sequences to solve numerical patterns. In taiji these “reasoning smart thinkers,” can link postures into small sequences, small sequences into sections and combine the sections into routines. 
  • Linguistic and verbal intelligence learners are “word smart” who excel and demonstrate strong speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. These students would learn by verbalizing the instructions step by step. 
  • Spatial or visual learners are ones that learn from seeing how it’s done. They are “picture smart,” such resources as pictures, diagrams charts and other visual media can assist in their training. 
  • Kinesthetic intelligence is a hands- on method to learning. Teachers can demonstrate by physically modeling the taiji principles through body language and structure. 

No matter what kind of learner an individual is, he or she may use any sort of intelligence to enjoy taiji. These learning principles also extend to all sports and activities. No matter what kind of learner an individual is, there are multiple ways to apply themselves to an activity.

Source from the SIRC Collection:
BROWN, D. (2011). Multiple Intelligences in the Process of learning Martial Arts Using Taijiquan as an Example. Journal of Asian Martial Arts. 20(2), 8-21