Coaching – Keeping Sport Fun for All

We all know how much sport can offer kids; we've got numerous research studies along with our personal experiences to back it up. Research also shows us that most sport participation rates peak at 13 years old and then continuously drop throughout the teenage years. While many factors contribute to this drop off, a significant area worth exploring is the element of fun in sport , what coaches can...Read more

Early or late specialization?

When you compare today's athletes to those from the past, you will notice that athletes of today tend to train pretty much all year round. Sports have become big business with a lot at stake and for this reason, the days of taking the summer off from playing hockey or any other professional sport and coming to training camp unfit are unheard of nowadays. This is the reality not only at the...Read more

Training logs as effective training tools

Sport is about the pursuit of excellence. Before you can get there, you have to invest a lot of time and effort into training. For cyclists, it means a lot of hours in the saddle, training you body to be able to ride your local road race or if you are one of the best in the world, the Tour de France . The 2013 Tour de France is comprised of 21 stages, completed in a 23 day period, covering over...Read more

Preventing Burnout in Children

Burnout in sport is defined as “physical/emotional exhaustion, sport devaluation, and reduced over-training and by competing too often. This is an important issue in youth sports because it often leads to dropping out of sport completely. Participation in sport offers many benefits to children and with so many people leading sedentary lifestyles, it's becoming even more important to keep our kids...Read more

Let kids play!

Most experts agree that Canadian children need to increase their physical activity . We also know that organized sport can help achieve that. However, concentrating on one sport or putting too much focus on winning may lead to kids dropping out of sport altogether. A recent survey has shown that the main reason that kids drop out of sport is that they just aren't having fun anymore. While...Read more

Early Sport Specialization

Popular culture pushes the idea that to succeed at sports, children need to know at a very early age what sport they want to commit themselves to for the rest of their lives in order to get that future scholarship or to reach the professional ranks. While there are a few athletes that have benefited from early specialization , there are more studies coming out that show that it doesn't...Read more