What is Osgood-Schlatter Disease?

Osgood-Schlatter is a common knee pain injury experienced by active adolescents. It affects the point where the kneecap and the shinbone connect, causing pain and swelling. It is not really a disease but an overuse injury that can be particularly painful for adolescents participating in sports. Young teenagers, especially boys, who are growing and who play sports involving running, jumping and...Read more

Early or late specialization?

When you compare today's athletes to those from the past, you will notice that athletes of today tend to train pretty much all year round. Sports have become big business with a lot at stake and for this reason, the days of taking the summer off from playing hockey or any other professional sport and coming to training camp unfit are unheard of nowadays. This is the reality not only at the...Read more

Preventing School Sports Injuries

With fall just around the corner, high school students will soon be hitting the Many school sports injuries are preventable through proper training, use of proper equipment and right conditioning. To build a successful team you have to have all your athletes’ healthy and ready to contribute. Keeping your team healthy makes the experience more memorable and gives your team the best chance of...Read more