The Runner’s Tummy

Experiencing physical activity by training to compete or exercising to improve our health are two ways to enhance quality of life. As you are going about your routine, stomach cramps can sometimes cause discomfort and cut short your workout. Runner’s tummy or gastrointestinal (GI) issues can hinder your ability to perform or achieve your activity goals. It can also be very embarrassing to the...Read more

Marathon Training Tips for Beginners

If you’re planning on running your first marathon this year, before you start your training, it’s important to create a training plan . Your training program should include answers on how much you are willing and able to train, your experience as a distance runner, and what your fitness level is before the race. Make sure your running plan fits your real ability, not the ability you wish you had...Read more

Developing consistency in your training

When we exercise, train, and eat properly, we do these things for our overall health or because we have a certain goal we want to achieve. Whether it be winning world titles or just losing several pounds, we are motivated to pursue a certain outcome. Perhaps the most important thing about achieving your goals is consistency . Great athletes become great athletes because they are consistent in...Read more

Training logs as effective training tools

Sport is about the pursuit of excellence. Before you can get there, you have to invest a lot of time and effort into training. For cyclists, it means a lot of hours in the saddle, training you body to be able to ride your local road race or if you are one of the best in the world, the Tour de France . The 2013 Tour de France is comprised of 21 stages, completed in a 23 day period, covering over...Read more