Overcoming setbacks: developing resilience

Athletes deal with many adverse situations ranging from injuries, to coping with pressure, to dealing with mental lapses that can derail their ability to concentrate on performing. Being able to bounce back from setbacks or situations that cannot be controlled builds resilient athletes . Going through adversity allows an athlete to experience a variety of emotions, making it possible for them to...Read more

Mindset: Mental Strategies to perform at your best

Elite athletes have an exceptional ability to rise to the occasion when called upon to perform. Whether it is making that big shot to win the game or making a dazzling pass that scores the winning goal, most coaches want their best player to have the ball when the game is on the line. But how do they build the confidence, concentration and instincts among their top athletes to pull off such feats...Read more

Performance Anxiety

It is the dying seconds of a basketball game. Your team is down. Making the next basket would lift your team to victory. What do you do? Some players live for the high-pressure moments and want the ball in their hands, since the game is on the line. Others struggle under the pressure and may experience performance anxiety that can hinder their ability to perform. These high-pressure moments are...Read more

Hitting the Mark

by Emily Syer Algonquin College Library Technician Program SIRC Intern Is running not your thing? Looking for a new way to stay physically active? Why not give archery a try? From Merida in Brave, to Katniss in The Hunger Games, and Hawkeye in The Avengers, archery is an admired and skillful sport. “The thing about archery is that everyone can do it and everyone can have a good day at it. You don...Read more

Parental support in youth sports

Youth sport is a social system that involves children, peers, coaches, and parents, all of whom influence the development of a child's values, attitudes, social relationships and motivation to participate. When parents sign up their child for a sport, they want to support their child but also want to see them succeed. So, as a parent how do you walk the fine line between being involved and being...Read more

Let kids play!

Most experts agree that Canadian children need to increase their physical activity . We also know that organized sport can help achieve that. However, concentrating on one sport or putting too much focus on winning may lead to kids dropping out of sport altogether. A recent survey has shown that the main reason that kids drop out of sport is that they just aren't having fun anymore. While...Read more

Are you Tough Enough?

When preparing for a race, a competition or just everyday exercise, mental preparation plays a vital role in the training process. Mental toughness is the psychological edge that an athlete uses to cope with the demands of training and performances at an event. It allows the athlete to remain consistent, determined, focused, confident and in control under the pressures that they face. Athletes...Read more

Go Canada Go!

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Go Canada Go! This summer, approximately 10,000 athletes will compete in 302 events at the Summer Olympics in London. No other sporting event is as big or as dramatic. Dreams come true, friends and memories are made, the Olympics captivates us like nothing else. Read More: http://www.sirc.ca/newsletters/mid-July12/index.htmlRead more

Don’t get stressed out

When kids are asked why they want to play sports the most common answer is “It’s fun!” At the same time many children find themselves in sport situations where they feel overwhelmed, under pressure and/or anxious. As children get older and the level of competition increases stress levels can also increase. Research does suggest that kids can experience stress at many levels of sport. So what can...Read more

The Science of Superstitions

Have you ever noticed that your teammate beside you always puts their left skate on before their right and always wears different colour stockings? Have you ever wondered why your teammate ties each of their cleats three times or must shoot at the net exactly 7 times during warm up? The answer to the whys of these questions is a matter of superstition. You’ll notice that most everyone has...Read more