The high impact of low iron

Iron is an essential mineral for both health and athletic performance . High performance athletes, because of their heavy training schedule, can rapidly decrease their body's iron stores. Iron deficiency , if left undiagnosed, can leave your body tired, flat and unable to train. Canadian Olympic athlete Paula Findlay experienced this first hand when she was diagnosed with anemia after her...Read more

2012 - A Year in Review

SIRC Newsletter now available online: 2012 - A Year in Review The beginning of a new year is a great time to look back and see all we have accomplished and most importantly, what knowledge we have shared with the sport community. The year 2012 was an exciting time for SIRC as the country supported the Canadian Olympic and Paralympic teams by cheering on our athletes at the London Olympic Games ...Read more

Winners Wear Red?

Anyone who is familiar with psychology is aware that colour can have a profound psychological effect on humans. While this information is not new, with the London 2012 Olympics in full swing some are questioning whether the colour of team uniforms will have an effect on overall performance. A recent study explored the idea that athletes who wear red may have an advantage over their rivals...Read more

Train Like an Olympian

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Train Like an Olympian With everyone talking about the London 2012 Olympics, it’s fun to see what elite athletes do to attain such high levels of performance. For most athletes, the Olympics is the peak of their athletic career and as such, they strive to reach the highest levels of achievement. Training is long and intense and sometimes comes with setbacks,...Read more

Go Canada Go!

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Go Canada Go! This summer, approximately 10,000 athletes will compete in 302 events at the Summer Olympics in London. No other sporting event is as big or as dramatic. Dreams come true, friends and memories are made, the Olympics captivates us like nothing else. Read More: more

Olympic Legacy: Inspiration for 2012

The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in London have made a promise to reach out the world’s youth in an effort to connect them to the inspirational power of the Olympics, hence they have developed the “ International Inspiration ” program. This legacy programme, a promise made by the 2012 Olympic Games bid team, is already changing the lives of less fortunate kids in underdeveloped countries...Read more