L’impact élevé du manque de fer

Le fer est un minéral essentiel pour la santé et la performance sportive *. Les athlètes de haute performance, à cause de leur horaire d’entraînement chargé, peuvent rapidement diminuer les réserves de fer de leur corps. La déficience de fer *, si elle n’est pas diagnostiquée, peut laisser votre corps fatigué, à plat et incapable de s’entraîner. L’athlète olympique canadienne Paula Findlay * a...Read more

The high impact of low iron

Iron is an essential mineral for both health and athletic performance . High performance athletes, because of their heavy training schedule, can rapidly decrease their body's iron stores. Iron deficiency , if left undiagnosed, can leave your body tired, flat and unable to train. Canadian Olympic athlete Paula Findlay experienced this first hand when she was diagnosed with anemia after her...Read more

What's going on at SIRC’s Toronto Regional Office

SIRC@Sport4Ontario, SIRC’s Toronto Regional office, is located in the Sport Alliance of Ontario Building where close to 50 provincial sport organizations call home. This building is unique as it provides the organizations with office space and full office services, plus there is meeting room space available to tenants which allows them the space to run training sessions, coaching clinics and of...Read more