Catch me if you can!

Many adults seem to have some memories of gym class angst from running laps being meted out as a punishment, so it's safe to assume that running isn't fun right? If you watch children racing around a playground you might think twice. Children love to run - chasing, racing and playing tag have always been an integral part of childhood. Add in the fun! - children love games , prizes and friendly...Read more

Winners Wear Red?

Anyone who is familiar with psychology is aware that colour can have a profound psychological effect on humans. While this information is not new, with the London 2012 Olympics in full swing some are questioning whether the colour of team uniforms will have an effect on overall performance. A recent study explored the idea that athletes who wear red may have an advantage over their rivals...Read more

Better Post-Competition Recovery

Research tells us that we should pay just as much attention to our post-race/post-competition routines as we do to our pre-race/pre-competition routines. Why is this? Simply stated, the sooner you return your body to its pre-competition state and give it the attention it requires to recoup later the same day, the sooner you will be ready for more hard training. It also helps reduce stiffness and...Read more

Race Tactics

Using smart thinking in your races can often help you shave seconds off your time. An interesting article from Running Times talks about using a few simple tactics to increase your racing success. While the context for the article is running, they can be applied in a variety of sporting environments. Run the tangents. Be aware of the race route and choose the most efficient line to shave off a...Read more