Confused about carbs?

Optimizing performance can be done in a variety of ways and an athlete nutrition strategy should be part of that process. Carbohydrates are vital for peak performance because they are one of the main sources of energy for our brains and bodies to work properly. What are carbohydrates? There are two main classifications of carbohydrates: simple (mono- and disaccharides) and complex (polysaccarides...Read more


SIRC Newsletter now available online: Sleep Elite athletes push their bodies to extremes every day. This brings with it a considerable degree of physical fatigue while training, traveling and competing. Where fractions of a second often mean the difference between a win and a loss, studies have shown that there is competitive advantage to those athletes who recognize the value of recovery. To...Read more

Race Tactics

Using smart thinking in your races can often help you shave seconds off your time. An interesting article from Running Times talks about using a few simple tactics to increase your racing success. While the context for the article is running, they can be applied in a variety of sporting environments. Run the tangents. Be aware of the race route and choose the most efficient line to shave off a...Read more