Supporting the Remote Worker – What Leaders Need to Know

Telecommuting or remote work is steadily on the rise with its low cost, flexibility, and appeal to work-life balance. While in the past, working from home was seen as a special request, granted only for particular circumstances, in today’s world, many employees now see remote work as a perk and sometimes even an expectation when hunting for a new job. “[A] study by Stanford Economics Professor...Read more

Inspiring Creativity in the Workplace

In most workplace settings the onus of coming up with creative solutions to problems is generally on the shoulders of designated leaders. It’s an essential part of their job and many of them are in leadership positions because of their ability to problem solve. Now imagine what would happen if an organization took the opportunity to broaden their reach and tapped into the backgrounds, experiences...Read more

Crunching numbers: De-mystifying digital analytics for sport organizations

We all seem to hear the words digital analytics and ‘big data’ tossed around a lot in our world of information sharing, but few people really understand what analytics are and how applying them can benefit a sport organization. Digital analytics , at its core, is a way for sport organizations to examine their websites and determine what’s working and what isn’t. Once pinpointed, solutions can be...Read more

Planning for the Future: Creating and implementing strategic plans

A strategic plan is a essentially a road map that outlines who the organization is, what it stands for, its vision for the future, and how it’s going to get there. It communicates organizational goals, direction, strategies, and programs, as well as engages and motivates external and internal audiences. Having a strategic plan is an essential part of organizational success although the process of...Read more

Sport Leadership - Creating Opportunities for Women

When female athletes decide to make the transition into leadership positions they bring with them numerous skills that have been developed from participating in sport. Many times these include high standards for success, the ability to overcome obstacles, exceptional discipline, and the ability work with and inspire a team - all of which are tremendously valuable for any organization. Even with...Read more

Promoting a diverse and inclusive environment for your sport club

Diversity and inclusiveness are important subjects for sport clubs at the moment. Both words refer to the degree to which a sport club adapts itself to welcoming a broad range of backgrounds and interests; these can include cultural , gender-related , age , socio-economic status and disability . Embracing this attitude offers a multitude of opportunities for sport clubs, some of which include:...Read more

2012 - A Year in Review

SIRC Newsletter now available online: 2012 - A Year in Review The beginning of a new year is a great time to look back and see all we have accomplished and most importantly, what knowledge we have shared with the sport community. The year 2012 was an exciting time for SIRC as the country supported the Canadian Olympic and Paralympic teams by cheering on our athletes at the London Olympic Games ...Read more

Implementing Your Strategic Plan

On February 28, 2012 SIRC hosted the latest in a series sport governance webinars entitled ‘Implementing Your Strategic Plan’ presented by Dina Bell-Laroche of the Sport Law & Strategy Group. The goal of this series of sport governance webinars, done in partnership with Sport Canada and the Canadian Olympic Committee, is to help sport organizations advance good governance within their...Read more

SIRC at the CS4L National Summit: Governance!

SIRC hosted the "Governance and CS4L" session at the CS4L Summit today. Good governance is critical to the success of a sport organization. This session talked about how CS4L‐LTAD can be integrated into the Governance of a sport organization and where to find practical governance templates and resources that can be downloaded and modified for use. Panelists shared insights, including lessons...Read more

SIRC at the CS4L National Summit

In support of the Canadian Sport for Life ( CS4L ) movement SIRC is hosting an interactive Resource Centre at the National Summit (Wed & Thursday, Feb 1 & 2, 2012) and the World LTAD Symposium (Friday, February 3, 2012) in Gatineau, QC. Among the resources we are making available: In print: Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) from over 30 National Sport Organizations SIRC Newsletters on...Read more