Be a Positive Role Model

Most children will say that their role model or idol is someone famous, but it is the people they see everyday that have the biggest influence. A role model is a person whose behaviour or success can be emulated by others, especially young people. This includes, parents, siblings, teachers and even coaches ; each person plays a significant role in the development of that child. Professionalism '...Read more

Respect, Fair Play and Ethical Behaviour - SIRC Newsletter

SIRC Newsletter Now Online: Respect, Fair Play and Ethical Behaviour We have heard before that respect, fair play and ethical behaviour (also known as sportsmanship) are all learned behaviours. The question is from whom and when do we learn these? It is never too early to learn the fundamentals, physical education classes and grassroots programs are excellent places to start. However this...Read more

Sportsmanship: Connecting Fun and Competition

What is sportsmanship? Do we really understand how to exercise, teach, or encourage sportsmanship? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines sportsmanship as “fair play, respect for opponents, and polite behavior by someone who is competing in a sport or other competition.” Sportsmanship is the glue that holds competition and fun together. As athletes, coaches, officials, or parents we need to lead...Read more

Sportsmanship and Fair Play!

Check out the latest SIRC Newsletter - Sportsmanship and Fair Play ! Sportsmanship is something simple, visible, tangible and attainable. It’s when teammates, opponents, coaches and officials treat each other with respect. When everyone shares a mutual respect for the game it’s easy to see the benefits that participants in sports gain about fair play, courtesy and grace in loosing. Sportsmanship...Read more