Retaining Sport Officials

Sport officials play a vital role within sport and should be viewed along the same lines as coaches within the sport system in regards to participation and development. Officials should not be viewed as just service providers, but rather as integral participants within sport. Without an official to referee a game there is no game. However, in recent years there has been an increasing shortage of...Read more

Officiating Styles

Officiating is an integral part of sports whether athletes find themselves at the introductory or professional level. Officials ensure that sporting events are played according to the governing guidelines by overseeing and implementing the necessary ruling when a sport infraction occurs as well as ensuring the safety of players and promoting fair play. Officiating a game depends on the style a...Read more

Sportsmanship: Connecting Fun and Competition

What is sportsmanship? Do we really understand how to exercise, teach, or encourage sportsmanship? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines sportsmanship as “fair play, respect for opponents, and polite behavior by someone who is competing in a sport or other competition.” Sportsmanship is the glue that holds competition and fun together. As athletes, coaches, officials, or parents we need to lead...Read more

Refereeing - do you think you can make the call?

Every two seconds a top-referee and assistant referee makes a game-related decision in a 55-minute professional soccer (football) match. Can referee judgment be learned or is it natural common sense? In the January issue of Referee the debate was discussed considering what the key elements of judgment are, how newer officials are affected, the impact of judgment on veteran officials when rules...Read more