Retaining Sport Officials

Sport officials play a vital role within sport and should be viewed along the same lines as coaches within the sport system in regards to participation and development. Officials should not be viewed as just service providers, but rather as integral participants within sport. Without an official to referee a game there is no game. However, in recent years there has been an increasing shortage of...Read more

Mentoring a new official

Sports officials assure that competitive events are played by the rules. When these rules are broken, it is up to referees to ensure that the necessary procedures are enforced. This can be a tall order for a new line judge , since what they learn in the classroom or from a book is very different than a live game. In order to develop proficient officials, mentorship can be an excellent way to...Read more


SIRC Newsletter now available online: Officiating There's no arguing, officiating comes with its challenges! Today's officials are fit, smart and passionate about what they do. Many are experts in their sport – from techniques, tactics, skills and strategies to formations in the game, it’s a job that deserves respect. Officials come from all walks of life, parents, teens, coaches and former...Read more

Respect, Fair Play and Ethical Behaviour - SIRC Newsletter

SIRC Newsletter Now Online: Respect, Fair Play and Ethical Behaviour We have heard before that respect, fair play and ethical behaviour (also known as sportsmanship) are all learned behaviours. The question is from whom and when do we learn these? It is never too early to learn the fundamentals, physical education classes and grassroots programs are excellent places to start. However this...Read more

Calling It Like It Is

If anyone was watching the FIFA World Cup final match this past weekend, they know that a referee’s job is not always easy. With a final match record 14 yellow cards and one red, emotions were riding high. So how do officials handle highly charged scenarios? The referee plays a key role in soccer matches. His vigilance, concentration and authority on the pitch ensure the respect of the players...Read more

Refereeing - do you think you can make the call?

Every two seconds a top-referee and assistant referee makes a game-related decision in a 55-minute professional soccer (football) match. Can referee judgment be learned or is it natural common sense? In the January issue of Referee the debate was discussed considering what the key elements of judgment are, how newer officials are affected, the impact of judgment on veteran officials when rules...Read more