Feeling the heat? Stay safe this summer with these cool tips!

The hot summer weather is finally settling in and people are heading outdoors for their workouts and enjoying recreational activities with their families. Everyone loves this time of year; there are so many opportunities for physical activity whether it's a relaxing nature walk or an intense game of soccer. When extreme heat hits though, it's a good idea to know the right steps to take in order...Read more

Water Safety

With summer just around the corner, many families will spend those hot days in pools, ponds and lakes, splashing around, having fun and keeping cool. Most children love to play in and around water, so knowing basic water safety is essential to keep you and your family safe this season. “Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death to children ages 1-4” – Safe Kids Worldwide Basic Water...Read more

Reflecting on Night Safety

The days are getting shorter, which means that any outdoor workouts done before or after work will probably be done in the dark. For the next few months it's important to take some time to make sure you are prepped to ensure your safety when training at night . Remember to: Dress to be seen - The biggest difference between exercising at night versus during the day is visibility. This is an...Read more

Sport Safety and Accessories

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Sport Accessories and Safety With all the kids back in the classroom, try outs for school sports and classes for phys-ed will be starting up again. Many of you may have already received a note from a coach or phys-ed teacher requesting that students remove all jewelry and accessories before participating in any kind of sport. As a parent or coach, it's...Read more

Summer Safety

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Summer Safety Summer’s here and we all want to go outside, be active and have some fun in the sun! When temperatures soar and thunder roars, coaches, team managers and event organizers are responsible for the safety and well being of their athletes, participants and spectators. Safety awareness is easy and you can help avoid summer injuries by planning ahead...Read more

Staying Safe In and On the Water

The Civic long weekend is just around the corner in Canada and that means friends, family and fun! Everyone loves to partake in a variety of events and activities, which may include having fun in the water, especially since swimming and boating are great ways to beat the heat, that’s for sure. Canada is a country that is defined by water, and water requires the ultimate respect. Playing in and...Read more

Cycle Safe!

Amongst the many things that spring brings in Canada, cycling on the roads is one of the most popular. And with the outrageous prices of gasoline, more and more people are taking to two wheels to go to the store, to work, to their friends, and to the park. However, it’s no secret that there is significant risk to a cyclist on the roads today. No one is paying attention the way they used to and...Read more

Can’t Beat Mother Nature – So Be Prepared

Now more than ever, and especially in light of the tornadic devastation that tore apart the town of Joplin, Missouri on the weekend, the sporting and outdoor recreation community needs a reminder of the power of Mother Nature’s fierce intensity. As we travel through spring and get into the swing of all our summer outdoor sports programs and activities, all event organizers, officials,...Read more

The Play Safe Initiative (PSI)

Last week in Toronto, SIRC attended a Sport4Ontario hosted presentation by Brandy Tanenbaum from the Play Safe Initiative (PSI) with the RBC First Office for Injury Prevention at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Sunnybrook RBC-FOIP). As a member of the collaborative Stewardship Group involved with PSI, SIRC has come together with organizations of all sizes and shapes, to commit to...Read more

Injury, Safety and Obesity – Stats Canada releases Canadian Community Health Survey

Today Statistics Canada released its annual Canadian Community Health Survey and the results were very disappointing. Canadians are not only more obese than they were in 2008, but they are also getting injured more frequently when doing physical activity. Canadians are also risking more injury by not wearing a helmet when participating in sports such as cycling. According to the survey 46% of...Read more