Put the Pedal to the Metal!

by Emily Syer Algonquin College Library Technician Program SIRC Intern The car is at the shop, the buses are on strike and you’re late for work! The solution? Cycling ! Whether you cycle regularly or want to start, below are some great tips for cycling to work, road safety, and links to bike trails across Canada. Put the pedal to metal to become more environmentally friendly and fit! There are...Read more

Cycle Safe!

Amongst the many things that spring brings in Canada, cycling on the roads is one of the most popular. And with the outrageous prices of gasoline, more and more people are taking to two wheels to go to the store, to work, to their friends, and to the park. However, it’s no secret that there is significant risk to a cyclist on the roads today. No one is paying attention the way they used to and...Read more

Safe Road Cycling

Cyclists and cars are often competing to use the same road space. Though many cities have started to build in safety features for cyclists including bicycle paths, bicycle lanes and signage, there are many things a cyclist must do to remain safe on the roadways. While it is recognized that the vehicle drivers also need to take responsibility for their behavior on the road in regards to bicyclists...Read more

Don’t Get a Bruisin’ While You’re Cruisin’ ~ Wear a Helmet!

As the weather gets warmer more bicycles are on the road. It is an excellent form of transportation, exercise and a great way to spend time with family and friends. Keeping safe while you are out riding is very important, broken bones and concussion are not fun. One of the best ways to prevent injury is to wear a helmet and learn bike safety. Did you know that the skull can be cracked going at...Read more